Assitance with Exception and/or Waiver Requests

  Residents in board and care homes and assisted living facilities, often face additional needs and challenges as they age. It would be beneficial for the residents to be retained at the facilty, a familiar environment, if the ever evolving special health care needs of the elderly are addressed. Important to the elderly, is the stability of their place of residence. Due to changes in health care conditions, consequently, abrupt relocation of elderly residents may result in transfer trauma. Thus, the need for an exception request or waiver to retain and accept resident(s) with restricted health conditions. In behalf of the Licensee, JMPM Consultants can develop the request for exception for a specfic resident's restricted health condition or a facility wide variance if the faclity is in substantial compliance with the regulations and statutes, prior to accepting or retaining a resident with a restricted health condition. JMPM Consultants will confer with the licensee to compose the written request for excepton which will contain documentation and review of the resident's health condition, medical reports, prognosis, the facility plan for ensuring that he rsident's health related needs can be met and a plan for minimizing the impact on other residents.

Assitance with Exception and/or Waiver Requests